Masonic Ring Designs: Incorporating Important Symbolism

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Fraternal organizations have used rings for decades to identify members and honor those who have achieved a certain level within the group. Each have their own style and meaning, but none are considered as mystical and mysterious than Masonic rings. Apprentice and Fellowship rings are sold today, but the traditional ring was reserved for those who had obtained the title of Master Mason. When designing this special ring, it is important to choose symbols that will make it the meaningful accessory someone who has obtained this level deserves.

The Square and Compass

The design familiar to most people is typically the square and compass. These two symbols are combined by overlaying the compass on top of the square. It is a symbol of age, maturity and control and is used to symbolize a member that has gained the control over the path of his life. In the United States the letter "G" is often placed in the center of the square and compass. Many mistakenly think this stands for God, but it is actually used to represent Geometry, an important science the Masons used in their architectural work.  

The Masonic Eye

This symbol is used by the Masons to represent God. The all-seeing eye is an ancient symbol that has been used by many religions and cultures to remind people that they are always under the supervision of God.

The Color Blue

Blue is frequently used in ceremonial clothing and within the lodge, as well as for the background or the center of the square and compass design. The exact reason why blue is so meaningful is not really known, but many believe it is because the color is considered sacred because of its use in numerous religious ceremonies throughout history. To those in the Masons it is considered a symbol of God, immortality and truth.

The Freemason Motto

When the motto is used on a mason ring it is traditionally inscribed in a band around the square and compass design. "Lux fiat et Lux fit" is Latin for Genesis 1:3, "And God said, let there be light: and there was light."

Additional insignia can include a monogram or symbols specifically important to the one wearing the ring. Most Mason lodges allow their members flexibility in how their rings are designed, but they may restrict the wearing of the rings during ceremonies to only Master Masons. Seeking approval from the lodge of a unique design may be necessary to prevent any complications.


29 December 2015

Shopping for a Warm Coat

Some parents enjoy shopping for clothing items for their kids. They love to buy cute pieces their little ones will look adorable in. Perhaps you want to shop for a warm coat for your child in the near future. Before heading out, consider browsing different styles of children’s coats online. In doing so, you might get an idea of what type of jacket you’d like to look for at a brick and mortar store. At a retail outlet, encourage your kid to try on more than one size. Since younger kids grow quickly, purchasing a slightly large coat is a great idea. On this blog, I hope you will discover tips to help you buy clothes your kids will want to wear.