Sitting on your back porch watching the birds as they fly from feeder to trees and back again is a relaxing and rewarding experience. As birds become comfortable with your yard and see the variety of food and water offered, they'll make your yard a regular stopover in their day. Here are some ways to transform your back yard into a favorite hangout for the neighborhood birds.
Four Key Ways to Attract Birds to Your Yard
If you focus on these four elements, you'll draw the attention from the various species of birds that frequent your region.
Landscape - You have the potential of drawing many types of birds to your yard depending on what landscaping you include. Perching birds want trees and bushes to sit on as they inspect your yard. Ground feeders spend their time eating in open spaces. Creepers need vertical surfaces on which to cling, such as a tree trunk. Include a little something for each type of bird to get the most visitors to your yard.
Feeder type - You'll find a variety of unique birdhouses and birdbaths when shopping for your back yard bird haven. The type of feeder will determine the kinds of birds that will visit it. Flat tray-type feeders will attract towhees and grosbeaks. Tube feeders with tiny holes attract pine siskins and finches. Fly-through tray feeders bring in the chickadees and nuthatches.
Seed type - Birds all have their preferences regarding the type of seeds they eat. Black-capped chickadees look for sunflower seeds and peanuts. Purple finches prefer the tiny millet seeds. Talk with your local wild bird supply store for the type of seeds your neighborhood birds prefer. You can focus your yard toward particular birds based on the seeds you put out.
Water availability - Fresh water in your yard will draw many birds that won't eat at your bird feeders. For example, a water dish in the yard will attract robins, which feed primarily on insects.
Feeder Placement
When deciding on where to put your feeders, place them at different distances from your porch. The bold birds, such as chickadees, will eat from feeders right next to your porch. Shyer birds, such as warblers, will only visit feeders far from where you might sit.
Many birds will fly from a spot on a tree or bush to the feeder to get seed, then return to their perch to eat it. Position feeders close to favorite perching areas. This also accommodates the more nervous birds that need to feel protected by the trees and bushes before they venture out to your feeders.
If you have squirrels in your neighborhood, don't position feeders where they can drop down from the tree limbs onto the feeder easily. You'll be constantly refilling the feeder after the squirrels empty it.
Water Features
A simple water dish will attract birds, but moving water will get more attention. By placing a small water pump in the dish, you'll aerate the water to keep it fresh. The motion of the water will draw in birds, such as flickers, that may not visit your yard otherwise.
Consider an ornamental pool with a waterfall. Put stones and sticks around the pool for perches and you'll have a steady stream of feathered guests at the water supply. For more ideas on what to use to make your yard a bird haven, visit or a local bird supply store today.
Share16 January 2016
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